Public cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure, AWS and IBM Cloud give fast deployment and scalability which is perfectly suited for some workloads. The ability to rapidly deploy any size of X86 or storage environment and just as quickly wipe and remove it, with a simple billing process can be a great tool for testing and hosting your systems. Whilst there are better suited options to public cloud it is sufficient for many and allows organisations to easily have a hybrid cloud infrastructure, this gives greater reliability, resiliency and allows for their workloads to be scaled in accordance to the requirements of the business at the time, mitigating the need for a large upfront investment.

Microsoft Azure


Comprehensive Cloud Services

Offers a wide array of cloud services, including computing, storage, networking, databases, analytics, and machine learning.


Global Presence and Scalability

Presence in multiple regions for global deployment and scalability, allowing users to easily adjust resources based on demand.


Security and Compliance

Implements robust security measures, encryption, and compliance standards, ensuring a secure environment for data and applications.


Hybrid Cloud Capabilities

Supports seamless integration between on-premises datacentres and the cloud, providing flexibility and control.


DevOps Integration and Developer-Friendly Tools

Integrates with DevOps tools, supports various programming languages, and offers a developer-friendly environment for agile development practices.

Amazon Web Services


Comprehensive Cloud Services

Offers a wide range of cloud services, including computing, storage, databases, machine learning, and more.


Global Infrastructure and Scalability

Extensive global network of datacentres allows for global deployment, and the ability to scale resources up or down based on demand.


Security and Compliance

Implements robust security features, data encryption, and compliance certifications to meet industry and regulatory standards.


Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2:

Amazon S3 provides highly scalable object storage, while Amazon EC2 offers resizable compute capacity in the cloud.


AWS Lambda and Serverless Computing

AWS Lambda allows for serverless computing, enabling developers to run code in response to events without managing servers.

IBM Cloud


Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Specialises in hybrid cloud solutions, allowing seamless integration between on-premises datacentres and the cloud.


AI and Watson Services

Incorporates advanced AI and cognitive computing through IBM Watson services for analytics, natural language processing, and machine learning.


Blockchain Technology

Provides blockchain solutions for secure and transparent transactions, fostering trust and streamlining processes.


Enterprise-Grade Security

Emphasises enterprise-grade security with features such as data encryption, access controls, and compliance certifications.


IBM Cloud Paks

Modular, containerized solutions designed to accelerate application development, deployment, and management on the cloud.

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