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Fred Teunissen
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What can IBM do that Oracle can’t? How about, provide first class support on Legacy Oracle platforms.

Here is a typical situation that a business may find themselves in, and what they are currently doing about it…

Lots of businesses have Oracle products, from Oracle Financials to Database products and they are heavily integrated with other platforms in their IT landscape. The software is not up to date, yet they continue paying software maintenance, likely to be 20-25% of the purchase price of the SW, not so much to raise support tickets, but to continue to have the upgrade rights.

The reason they will not raise support tickets is that Oracle do not support back-level SW, they will simply tell you to upgrade to a supported version, which as we all know is easier said than done due to the intra-application dependencies, and even if you could upgrade, would it be to the latest version? which, by the way, you would be entitled to download and keep on the shelf up to the point that you no longer have SWMA, and you would be free to install at any point, even after the SWMA has expired. Given the above, you are paying millions for a license key, yet leaving yourself exposed as there are no security updates or patches being released for your software. Minimum effort for maximum return for Oracle. Maximum effort and minimal return for you. Do you ever wonder why Larry is so rich whilst most of his customers are so unhappy?

So how do you break the cycle of not getting value for money, and get buy-in from your CFO and CISO ?

Speak to Meridian IT and we will show you the art of the possible. Just imagine the other projects that could be funded with the saving!

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